How to Identify Bark Scorpions in Texas

How to Identify Bark Scorpions in Texas

Bark scorpions are common in Texas, especially during the warm summer months. Homeowners should learn how to identify bark scorpions and what attracts them so that they can avoid them. Additionally, homeowners can use methods to make your property less attractive to bark scorpions.

There are various ways to do this, such as keeping your yard free from clutter, using yellow outdoor lights and more. However, working with a local pest control service is the best way to deal with a bark scorpion problem.

How to Identify Bark Scorpions in Texas

Bark scorpions are small, nocturnal arachnids that can become a nuisance for homeowners in Texas. In some cases, they can also become dangerous.

Bark Scorpion Appearance

Bark scorpions measure two and a half to three inches long. Their adult bodies are yellowish-tan; however, they have two dark-colored stripes on their upper abdomens, which make them easier to see against light backgrounds.

These pests are known for their elongated and segmented bodies. They have eight legs plus a pair of pincers that extend from their heads. The bark scorpion’s most notable feature is its long tail, which curves over its back and has a venomous stinger at the end.

Bark Scorpion Behavior

Bark scorpions in Texas are the most active at night as nocturnal creatures. They are hunters and use their pincers to trap their prey. Since they have poor eyesight, they often search for their next meal along baseboards when they live indoors.

Bark scorpions move indoors for various reasons, including access to food, shelter and water. However, the most appealing aspect of indoor living is temperature regulation, as bark scorpions do not like to be too hot or too cold.

Bark scorpions are excellent climbers who use this skill to find clever hiding places. During the day, they prefer to hide in a cool place, such as ceilings or inside walls. When they live outdoors, they often shelter in trees.

Bark scorpions are unique because they prefer to live in groups, unlike other scorpion species. Unfortunately, if you spot a bark scorpion in your home or on your property, there are likely more nearby.

Bark Scorpion Habitat and Lifespan

Bark scorpions prefer warm and arid climates. They often live under rocks and crevices, under loose bark or in the crevices of trees. Bark scorpions also hide in manmade structures and homes, such as attics, basements and crawl spaces. You may even find one of these pests inside a shoe or the folds of clothing.

As mentioned earlier, bark scorpions look for cool, dark hiding spaces to help regulate their temperature.

Unlike many arachnids, bark scorpions have a long lifespan. Most can live for up to three to eight years; however, some may live for up to 25 years. They are resilient pests that can go a long time between meals.

How to Prevent Bark Scorpions From Coming Unto Your Property

Bark scorpion stings are painful and can cause swelling, itching, numbness and discoloration that can last for several days. The best way to avoid a painful sting is to put prevention measures in place to make your property less attractive to them.

First, seal up any entry points that bark scorpions could use to come into your home, such as gaps in your windows, doors, walls and foundation. Next, clear away any debris on your property that bark scorpions could use as hiding places during the day, including piles of wood and rocks.

Maintaining a clean and trimmed lawn can go a long way in deterring bark scorpions. Additionally, avoid overwatering your grass to deter insects that are prey to bark scorpions. You can also deter insects by using yellow outdoor lights at night instead of bright lights, which scorpions prey on.

Indoors, keeping a clean home can make your home less attractive to these pests. It’s especially important to keep dark and damp areas, where scorpions like to hide, clean and uncluttered.

If you spot a bark scorpion on your property, the best approach is to call in a pest control expert. They can treat for scorpions, find where others may be hiding and implement prevention methods to deter them from coming back. They can also help control other pests, like brown mosquitoes.

a scorpion

What Repels Scorpions in Texas?

While there is no surefire way to repel scorpions from your home, there are ways to make your home less appealing to these pests. First, keep your yard clean to minimize potential hiding spots for bark scorpions. You should regularly clear away debris, rocks and wood piles. Keeping crawl spaces, attics and basements organized will also go a long way in repelling bark scorpions.

Scorpions are attracted to moisture, so it’s important to eliminate water sources on your property that they could use. It’s also important to repair any leaks, such as in your faucets and pipes, and ensure there is no standing water on your property.

Also, using humidifiers in damp areas, such as the basement, will help eliminate moisture.

Finally, use your outdoor lighting strategically. Bright lights attract insects, so yellow lights are a better option. The best way to deter bark scorpions from entering your property is to keep your outdoor lights off as much as possible.

Working with a pest control specialist is the best way to keep bark scorpions off your property. They can conduct a thorough inspection of your home and provide personalized advice on how to keep them away.

a scorpion

What Month Are Scorpions Most Active in Texas?

Scorpions prefer warm and dry weather, so the peak season for bark scorpions in Texas is between July and August. During these months, they are most likely to leave their hiding places, hunt for prey, and find a source of water.

July and August are also known as “scorpion season” because it is when bark scorpions begin mating. They become more aggressive as they search for mates and are more likely to sting during this time.

In fact, due to their increased activity, July and August are the most common months for humans to encounter bark scorpions. They are also more likely to find their way inside residences during this time, as a home can provide food, water, shelter and a cooler environment.

This is why it’s important to be careful around them and take the measures mentioned above to deter them from your property. If you do run into a bark scorpion, contact a pest control professional.

An expert will conduct a thorough inspection of your home to find the bark scorpion hiding spots, use professional treatments to control the pests and seal up any possible entry points that they are using to get inside.

Additionally, an expert can conduct regular maintenance and implement prevention methods that will help deter bark scorpions.

Do not try to deal with them yourself. Instead, contact a local pest control service if you spot one in your home or on your property.

Chem-Free Can Resolve Your Scorpion Problem

If you’re struggling with scorpions on your property and want some relief, call in Chem-free. Our pest control experts can identify the source of your problem and suggest low-impact intervention methods to protect your family and pets from scorpions. They can also help with other pest issues, like keeping roaches away while you sleep.